Feb 08

True Power

By Sylvia Nibley Awakening, Creation, Messages from Spirit Comments Off on True Power

True Power says
nothing is small
every breath we take
every word we say
is True Power

The power of life
the power of love
coming to life

And from this place
playing small seems like very silly play

So I step into Power
I step into my Deepest Knowing
and it is good.

I feel a ripple in the world

A ripple I’m connected with.
I feel, I understand it
because I have let go of the ego wanting credit, or acknowledgement.
That releases it to be a full wave form
I’m just gratetful
And it goes and goes and effects the world in ways I never could have guessed
each moment, each action
adds to that natural effect

I  feel this wave as it builds and gets a higher and higher curve to it

I’m bouyant
liquid light

– Spirit speaking through Sylvia

Jun 14

Full Plate

By Sylvia Nibley Clarity, Creation, Messages from Spirit, Support, Time Comments Off on Full Plate

A conversation with Spirit, 2012

Q: There’s a lot on my plate. How do I balance everything?

A: Follow the flow. Completely. Allow us to work through you. You can be connected to us in every moment. For mental work, let us think through you. For physical work, let us be the strength that moves your body.

Let us give you the words to speak. Let go of the belief that you are “doing” anything. Remember we are ALWAYS accessible. There is no need to function alone.

Q: Thank you. Another question. There’s so much information coming in and so much of it seems interesting but I know that with everything I want to create, there isn’t time to follow all the things that look interesting. What do you suggest?

Yes, study, but only for inspiration. Once the spark of inspiration has been activated, take action from that inspiration. Include us in every part of the process and remember that you have access to infinite knowledge. We will place material in front of you that will inspire the next action and the next. Trust that you will never be without guidance.

Q: I hear you and understand that you see things from the infinite view. What about when this dimension feels heavy and slow?

A: Let go of the need to create alone. Drop the belief that things must take a certain amount of time. It is when you disconnect from us that creation feels heavy and hard. We are here to help. We are here to make what you call miracles, but only when you allow us to.

Consider the possibility of instant manifestation, of great ease, of teamwork that feels effortless. The physical dimension need not feel heavy and hard. It can feel light, joyful and miraculous.

Play at that level of feeling, for that is why you are here.



Mar 08

You are opening to miracles
in ways that you haven’t imagined before.

It is a time for miracles,
a time for opening
and a time to let go of the old ways
of doing.

Feel how effortless the transition is now.

Feel the unknown
rising to meet you
in ecstatic joy.

Feel your mind’s need for control
v a n i s h.

Feel the fluidity of reality.

See the infinitude of your palette
– of creation,

Let your heart sing!

For as you open your heart
you open a new world.

– Spirit speaking through Sylvia

Feb 08

Everything is changing.
And by everything we mean, EVERY assumption, every belief, every
system, every pattern.

The only thing unchanging is love, oneness, peace, the unity of all

But even your experience of all of these is changing radically.
The entry points into these experiences are changing.

Can you feel the love in fear?
Can you feel peace in chaos?
Every moment is inviting you into the new world.
As quickly as you are willing to be made new.

Your DNA is changing.
Your breath is changing.
The consciousness that encompasses ALL is changing.
The very core of life is changing – through you.

Change is touching every part of human consciousness from the micro to the macro.

Some of this change is visible (especially to those on the leading edge), but most is not yet.

Trust your own experience and don’t worry about how others are experiencing their awakening.

Even the way you change is changing.

So what would you cling to?

Don’t even seek to answer this question, but simply notice anything that would not be easily released if you were to wake up in a totally new world.

Focus instead on what is emerging.

Imagine the new world.
We realize this is antithetical to the human pattern of being

We know that for millions of years, you have been building slowly
and incrementally in an evolutionary curve and yes, we are proposing
that you now become referenced instead to the unknown.

We invite you to fully open to quantum change, to allow a shift as
significant as moving from ocean to land. The first creature to do
that successfully was surely risking death, and instead created the
ability to breathe air.

Play with this possibility.
Ask “what if…” and see what emerges.

Root yourself in the Unknown,
and you will find it is the richest soil.

– Spirit speaking through Sylvia

Feb 08

All Mighty

By Sylvia Nibley Connection to Source, Creation, Messages from Spirit, Support Comments Off on All Mighty

heavenly 2Trust the all-mighty.
Remember that the life force
that moves within you
is the very power of creation

not just outside of you,
as you might have imagined
The force that breathes you
courses through the entire universe

there is no need to rely
on old stories of being rescued from outside yourself

your experience of being “without” has only originated from looking without.

Within you is infinite power
within you is infinite source

trust this all mighty as you trust your own heart

– Spirit speaking through Sylvia

Feb 08

Whether or not you see or feel the possibilities of your life, know that in every moment you are guided by the intelligence of the stars.

The influences of the Universe are working in every aspect of life.
You can trust this.
You can surrender to this.

It is easy to get caught up in the first-person view and forget the bigger (the HUGE, Universal, scale beyond imagining…) picture.

Feel the love in the physical world that you touch and see in this moment all the way to the center of your Universe billions of light years away. ALL of it is love.

What else could there possibly be?

This is a gentle reminder that you are part of that, moment-to-moment, day-to-day, by weeks, months, years, lifetimes, eons.

Remembering this will help you relax into the greater flow.
Yes, today’s agenda of accomplishment is part of that as well….and it is an infinitesimal bit in the whole of creation.

Living in an urban environment is myopic by nature.
Take some time to gaze at the stars.
Take breaks from the energy of the city.

This will revitalize and rejuvenate your soul.
Even looking at expansive pictures can be helpful during your time in the city.

Also exploring the inner reaches of your awareness is helpful (as you already do).
As a hologram, the entire Universe can be accessed through your cellular system.

Play with that!

Zoom out. Zoom in.

This will keep your consciousness flexible.

As always,
we are with you in love.

– Spirit speaking through Sylvia