Everything is changing.
And by everything we mean, EVERY assumption, every belief, every
system, every pattern.
The only thing unchanging is love, oneness, peace, the unity of all
But even your experience of all of these is changing radically.
The entry points into these experiences are changing.
Can you feel the love in fear?
Can you feel peace in chaos?
Every moment is inviting you into the new world.
As quickly as you are willing to be made new.
Your DNA is changing.
Your breath is changing.
The consciousness that encompasses ALL is changing.
The very core of life is changing – through you.
Change is touching every part of human consciousness from the micro to the macro.
Some of this change is visible (especially to those on the leading edge), but most is not yet.
Trust your own experience and don’t worry about how others are experiencing their awakening.
Even the way you change is changing.
So what would you cling to?
Don’t even seek to answer this question, but simply notice anything that would not be easily released if you were to wake up in a totally new world.
Focus instead on what is emerging.
Imagine the new world.
We realize this is antithetical to the human pattern of being
We know that for millions of years, you have been building slowly
and incrementally in an evolutionary curve and yes, we are proposing
that you now become referenced instead to the unknown.
We invite you to fully open to quantum change, to allow a shift as
significant as moving from ocean to land. The first creature to do
that successfully was surely risking death, and instead created the
ability to breathe air.
Play with this possibility.
Ask “what if…” and see what emerges.
Root yourself in the Unknown,
and you will find it is the richest soil.
– Spirit speaking through Sylvia