There are many people you have been with before in many different forms of relating, and these connections are what weave you all together.
Close-knit groups that connect to other close-knit groups are connecting the human family much more quickly than can happen through individual relationships. This will continue to speed up and transform the very foundation of relating.
The old form of seeking one soul mate for a lifetime is no longer necessary as it once was for forging deep connections in the human family.
A level of relatedness and intimacy that used to take many years, can now be reached in weeks or months. As growth accelerates and you all awaken to your divinity, the old pattern of seeking love outside yourself is quickly dissolving.
Each individual who experiences this shift is literally shifting the DNA of the whole human organism at a very fundamental level. The level of our most intimate relationship– ourselves.
Now that is something to celebrate!
Couples are now drawn to “see” each other and be seen. Fortunately there are many souls who have made these agreements, so that none of us can forget (for very long) who we are and why we are here and so of course we find intimate relationships with these souls.
And we learn and grow and stay together for a short time or a long time. The duration is less important than the recognition.
The more centered in your own soul you can BE, the more powerful your relationships will be.
Dependency (physical, emotional and psychological) has been at the core of most mated relationships in human history. Now the foundation is shifting to love. You are beginning to experience the truth of love in the only way it can be true.
Connection to the source of love in your own heart.
In the past, the words “I love…” have mostly meant “I need love” and now as you say “I love,” it will mean “I AM Love.”
Connecting to “the one” may still be the experience for a few that have agreed to serve in this way (to hold this energy), but for most “the one” is a worn-out fantasy of finding fulfillment in another.
– Spirit speaking through Sylvia
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