The love that you have always wanted
is in you
and around you
in such vast quantities
that you could not hold it back
even if you were to die trying.
Even the places that appear to not be love
that appear to be resistance
or shame or darkness of the worst kind,
these things are simply love waiting to be aware of itself.
This illusion of duality – of love and non-love
is simply the game humans create
of remembering (like the children’s game of “peek-a-boo”).
So remember,
when you feel contraction,
and all of the things the mind would say are NOT love…
simply remember
that it’s your move in the game
and the remembering,
the discovery is joy.
Dance with the feelings.
Dance with the illusion,
and remember
that ALL is love.
Ah-hah! There you are!
– Spirit speaking through Sylvia
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