I am made to love.
I am made OF love.
Centered in the heart, and including all of creation and beyond.
I have chosen this lifetime to remember this.
I have chosen to have the experience of loving as a female in a world on the verge of humanity’s rebirth.
In transition from darkness to light.
As a female who embodies love in a new time in a new way.
To heal “the sins of the mother.”
To leave behind attachments, oppression, vanity, competition, possessiveness, control, manipulation….all limitations of love.
There is love at the core of all these fear-based illusions,
but love that is not given freely is only a small shadow of the true nature of love.
Love cannot be controlled or grasped.
It can only be felt as an opening inside your own body.
In your own experience.
Where there is openness, there is love.
Where there is contraction, there is love waiting to be remembered.
Waiting to be discovered.
As love, every cell has the capacity to open to even more love.
The opening is simply a relaxing into the true nature of what we are.
This is my practice.
– Spirit speaking through Sylvia
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